Ilona Phillips

Eating Disorder Specialist

Helping individuals and families take the guess work out of eating disorder recovery.

eating disorder specialist

Have a child with an eating disorder?


In this process - you CAN feel

empowered, confident and hopeful

Jump in and take advantage of these 'ready at your fingertips' -resources:

the empowered carer program on a laptop

The Empowered Carer Program


To help you tackle eating disorders prepared and take back control.

Start today
eating disorder carers connected membership on a laptop

ED Carers Connected


For ongoing support with a community that gets it.

Learn more

Supercharge your child's eating disorder recovery with this free High Impact Meals & Snacks guide

Recovery from all eating disorders involves regular and sufficient fueling. Grab the High Impact Meals & Snacks guide designed to help you advance recovery with meal suggestions that can be combined and adapted for a variety of needs.

Get your free guide
high impact meal and snack guide for eating disorder carers

Time is of the essence.

Over the years I have worked with hundreds of families fighting eating disorders. I have seen first hand how the right foundation and systems change the recovery journey and outcomes. Eating disorders don't have to become chronic and life altering long term.

Take action today and start taking control back.

eating disorder expert sitting on a desk smiling

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